Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) is voltage controlled device which like bipolar junction transistor can be used for amplification and switching of electrical signals. since they are manufactured by oxidation of semiconductor especially silicon hence also called MOS transistors. It is a three terminal device with terminals called Gate, Drain and Source. Voltage applied at the gate terminal are used to control the operation of the device
FTP11N08A is a N channel MOSFET, N channel MOSFETs has a N type conducting region between drain and source. This deice has low drain source ON resistance, low leakage current and high forwarded transfer admittance.
Brand new 30V N-Channel MOSFET Description The AON6414A uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge.This device is suitable for use as a high side switch in...
The AO4413 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), and ultra-low low gate charge with a 25V gate rating. This device is suitable for use as a load switch...